New Beginnings & A New Season

Welcome to our brand-new site!

We decided that just like the new shirts for Bedford Express, our site needed a new design and a good ol’ update. With this new coat of paint we will be able to more easily make updates quicker and cleaner. This site also brings a few new areas, such as the Events tab and this Newsletter page, both of these are tools we will use to help keep you informed of what is happening and where to find us out in the world. We also plan on adding some additional features such as a members area for our teams to have another area of communication and resources, as well as a store that will have general robotics merch for friends and families. Over the next couple of months expect to see some slight changes as we add these new features and figure out what is working and what isn’t.

The 2024 Season is here! Be sure to check out our Events section to see which competitions we will be at along with info for Kick-off and unveil.


Leaving the Station! - Preseason Updates